selling a home to family? you need a lawyer!

3 Common Reasons for Appealing an Unemployment Claim Denial

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Did you recently lose your job? Were you denied unemployment benefits after the job loss? For many people, the loss of a job can be devastating and the subsequent denial of benefits is like added insult to injury. Fortunately, your unemployment benefits application doesn’t have to end with a denial. There is likely an appeal process in your state where you can make your case to the unemployment benefits administration. There are three common reasons why benefits are usually denied.…

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Exposing Wrongful Death Myths You Have Likely Heard

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Losing a loved one is always a sad and emotionally stressful event, but this can be made even worse when the death was the result of someone’s negligent behavior or actions. While there is no way to bring your loved one back to life, the courts allow you to pursue wrongful death claims, but these cases are often extremely misunderstood by clients. If you are under the impression that either one of the following myths are true, learning the truth may make it easier for you to pursue justice following a wrongful death.…

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Divorce Have You Feeling Alienated From Your Child? 4 Signs Parental Alienation May Be Involved

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Custody issues are always difficult, especially when both parents want sole custody of the child. If you’re involved in a custody battle, you want what is best for your child, even if you have harsh feelings towards the other parent. You want to be able to spend as much time as possible with your child. That can be next to impossible when parental alienation is involved. If your child is suddenly showing a disdain for being with you, you might be the victim of parental alienation.…

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