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Situations Your Legal Advisor Will Help You Navigate After A Collision With A Taxi

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Collisions involving cabs mostly happen when a taxi driver ferries a client to their preferred destination or when waiting for a new customer. In each case, the victims could sustain severe injuries that prompt them to seek compensation. If you were a passenger in the taxi during the collision, you could file a claim with the taxi driver's insurance carrier. However, you should expect a legal battle because the cab company and their driver may try to defend themselves to avoid liability. Therefore, you may want to hire a legal advisor to guide you in the following situations.   

When Determining Who the Main Culprit Was

A successful claim starts by determining the main wrongdoer so you know which party to hold accountable for the collision. Your attorney will investigate the collision to get the essential information they can use to prove liability. If the crash involves multiple parties, these investigations can take time. Your legal advisor might also want to collect all the available evidence. They will speak to witnesses present during the collision to get sufficient information about the crash. Then, after investigations, your legal advisor will contact the taxi driver's legal team to enter into negotiations.

When Speaking With the Taxi Company Representatives

The taxi company management will do everything possible to defend their firm so that your claim does not damage their reputation. For instance, they might send their representatives to ask you questions about the collision. They will do their best to make you say something that will indicate that their driver was not responsible for the crash. It is always advisable to consult your legal advisor before sharing any information. They will tell you what to say to prevent you from sharing information that might hurt your claim.

When Speaking to Insurance Company Representatives

Most insurance company representatives have vast experience in claim negotiations. Therefore, if you discuss a settlement yourself, there is a possibility that they will outwit you. Besides, you risk saying something that may give the insurance company a reason to reduce your settlement. Your attorney can handle negotiations for you to ensure they only share the necessary information. They will then offer compelling evidence to prove that the taxi driver was negligent, which will enable your attorney to negotiate a favorable settlement. However, your lawyer will take the matter to court if the insurance firm refuses to offer you compensation equivalent to your damages.

If you're involved in a collision with a taxi, you might consider filing a claim to enable you to get compensation. However, you may encounter different challenges in your quest for justice. Therefore, you might want to hire a car accident lawyer to help you navigate the situations above to get your rightful compensation.

Contact a local car accident attorney for more information.
