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2 Things To Provide Your Attorney When Seeking Child Support

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When you are getting a divorce and you have children, you need to make sure that you have the money you need in order to raise your children and to get them everything you need to have. This can be very difficult in certain circumstances. One way to do that is to seek child support from your former spouse. If you are going to seek child support, you need to talk to your attorney and see what your options are. You can help your attorney and make the case easier if you do just a few things. So, what can you do to make it easier?

List of Expenses

One thing that you can do is to compile a list of your child-rearing expenses. Those can include everything from child care costs to medical costs to school uniforms. Having everything in one list will make it easier for you to show what exactly your costs are and how much each thing is going to cost. You can show that to your attorney and your former spouse, so everyone is on the same page when it comes to how much child support should be. 

List of Income

You should also make a list of what your income is and how much money you have coming into your home. You may not want to disclose all the income you are receiving to your former spouse, but your attorney needs to have that, and it will need to be passed along to the judge. The reason that you need to make a list of all your income is that you need to show how the amount of income you have won't cover the expenses that you may incur while you are raising your child and that you need for your former spouse to pay their share in order to keep your child in the manner that they were while you were married. If the income you have as a single parent is significantly lower than the income that came into your house while you are married, the judge will take that into account while they are figuring out the correct amount of child support to pay and approving that amount. 

If you have children and you are getting divorced, you need to make sure that you have the right amount of child support. Finding a child support attorney can help you with that. You can do things to help your attorney get you what you deserve. 
