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Visas Available for Work Immigration

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Are you considering an employment visa so you can work in the United States? You have several options for visas you might consider based on your industry and chosen profession. These are some of the most common types of employment visas you should consider. 

The EB-1 Visa

The E1 visa, or Employment First Preference visa, is available for immigrants who display an extraordinary ability or are professors and researchers with "outstanding" abilities and skills. An extraordinary ability may be in fields like science, education, art, business, and athletics. Managers and executives may also fall into this visa category. In order to prove your extraordinary ability, you must demonstrate you have been recognized for excellence, have significant achievements, have been published, have served on a panel, or have otherwise had your work put on display.

The EB-2 Visa

This visa, also known as the Employment Second Preference E2, requires a labor certification from the Department of Labor. This visa is available to professionals with advanced degrees and others with exceptional abilities. Some exceptions are available if you are able to complete the National Interest Waiver form. In order to qualify for this kind of visa, you may need a college degree in addition to time spent working in your field.

The EB-3 Visa

The Employment Third Preference visa requires a sponsor. When you find an employer to sponsor you, they must file paperwork for you, specifically the Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker form. This visa category is meant for professionals, skilled workers, and unskilled workers. Skilled workers are those with several years of work experience or training. You can also be a professional with a degree and some experience in a profession. Unskilled laborers with years of training or experience in a specific field can also use this visa.

The EB-4 Visa

The Employment Fourth Preference visa does not require a labor certification, but it is meant for people in specific groups. People who meet this criteria include religious workers, broadcasters, U.S. government employees in other countries, members of the armed forces, some translators, and some doctors.

The EB-5 Visa

The Employment Fifth Preference E5 visa is meant for investors. There are specific requirements for the amounts of money an individual must have invested to qualify for this visa.

See an Immigration Attorney

Immigration attorneys can help you determine which visa is the best choice for you. Make an appointment with an attorney today to discuss your options.
