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Understanding The Tax Requirements For Your Business

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Taxes are part of operating any business, and if you are self-employed, the complications that arise can be even harder to understand.  Remaining compliant with the law and paying the least amount of tax possible is difficult, but there are people that can help. 

Hire an Accountant

One way to keep your taxes straight is to hire an accountant who can help with your day-to-day finances and advise you on about how to handle your tax liability. For a small business, there are specific tax regulations, and for someone self-employed, the laws can be different. Understanding the difference between being self-employed and owning a business is vital because it can change your tax situation. 

Tax Law Compliance

The tax laws are complex, and they change far too often. Sometimes things change several times a year, and if you do not know the law, you can get into trouble quickly. If you are a business owner, having a tax attorney to work with may be critical. The attorney is not the same as having an accountant. The accountant works with the numbers while the attorney helps unravel the rules so that you can pay the least amount of tax possible without breaking the law. The rules are sometimes very ridged so it is essential that the attorney is up to date on law changes that may affect you and your business. 

Court Representation

One role that your tax attorney may have is dealing with the court if for some reason you end up in front of a judge for a tax violation of some kind. Ideally, keeping you out of the courthouse is the goal, but if you do end up there, you need an attorney that can help you navigate the system and file the right paperwork or supply the information that the court wants. In some cases, the correct information or explanation is all the court needs, but if you do not understand how or why something is done a specific way, your tax attorney is your best resource. 

Tax Advisory

If a situation arises with your business that affects the finances of the company, you need to know that you can make specific moves legally. Before you do anything that might be questionable, consulting your tax service about it is the simplest solution. They will know if what you are considering is legal, how it will affect you personally, and how it will affect the business when it is time to file the taxes for the business. Publicly traded companies and small businesses have very different rules, so knowing you are compliant with the law is critical. 
