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What Kind Of Settlement Can I Get If I Didn't Seek Immediate Medical Treatment After A Car Accident?

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The period immediately after a car accident can be a very confusing one. You may find yourself suddenly caught in a whirlwind of insurance claims, assessing the damage caused, trying to follow up on legal action and trying to find out what witnesses know and are willing to testify about. In the midst of all this it's quite easy to forget one very important thing; to get medical attention.

The injuries suffered during an accident are not always apparent. Therefore, you may not feel the need to immediately seek medical attention. However, this can be a serious mistake on your part.

Sowing Seeds of Doubt

Winning a legal case may rely heavily on evidence but, there is also the issue of perception. How your case is perceived in spite of the evidence presented can affect the outcome of the case. When you fail to seek medical attention immediately after an accident, the other party can make arguments such as:

  1. The injuries suffered were not as serious as you claimed, hence the lack of urgency in seeking treatment

  2. The injuries you're now claiming occurred after the accident

When it's possible to sow seeds of doubt regarding the injuries you're making a claim for, it can hurt your personal injury claim.

Delays Can Aggravate Injuries

Another problem with delaying treatment is that your injuries might actually be more severe than even you realize. With adrenaline surging after an accident, you may not even register the sensation of pain.

Unfortunately, this means that you could have suffered a very serious injury and the delay in seeking medical attention may be putting your life at risk. Internal bleeding, for instance, may not be noticeable for a while.

Effects of Delayed Treatments

If you delay in seeking medical attention after an accident, your case might go from a slam dunk to something else. Insurance companies may not want to pay out the full amount you're claiming if they feel they can argue negligence on your part. Therefore, if you delay in getting treatment, you're likely to be low-balled by the insurance company.

Alternatively, you may also claim a lower amount than you are actually entitled to if you make the claim before a full medical assessment is done. While it is important to follow up on other matters, you should seek medical attention quickly to make things easier for your personal injury attorney and yourself. Contact an attorney, like Kilgore Smith LLC , for more help.
